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ROCA toolbox

ROCA toolbox

Regular price €200,00
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Identifies straight sections and curves, including their radii, from digital vector data. A typical application is the analysis of the horizontal alignment of road networks, forming the basis for safety analyses. The product includes a tool for ESRI ArcGIS Pro, a help file, and support contact information. Further information about the method on which the software is based can be found here:
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  • Six explanatory variables (attributes) are computed for each vertex:
    - radius of an osculating circle,
    - radius of a circumscribed circle,
    - angle between three consecutive vertices,
    - cumulative angle at three vertices,
    - cumulative angle at five vertices.

  • The output file containing individual road alignment geometry is created. Every record (road segment has the following attributes: ID of a line, type of the geometry, radius of a horizontal curve, coordinates of the center of a circle determining the respective horizontal curve, azimuth of a tangent, length of a segment.

  • Our approach for road geometry identification was published at first in the Journal of Geographical Systems.
    Example of the segmented Czech road network by ROCA analysis can be viewed at web-map application: